domingo, 15 de marzo de 2015


Nigeria, Officially called the Republic of Nigeria.

A land of almost 1.000.000 sqm with the  same size as Venezuela. Located in  the west of Africa towards the Gulf of Guinea.
The country has more than 165 million people and the most populated city is  Lagos with 21 million people which makes it the biggest city in Africa. Lagos was  the former capital, but now the capital  is Abuya.  Nigeria is the most populated country in Africa and the 7th most populated in the world. Nigeria became independent from Britain on 1st of October 1960.
The main rivers are Niger and Benne and they end up in the Niger River Delta, the biggest delta in the world. It's in the region of the Gulf of Guinea of the Atlantic Ocean. It is a very densely populated region sometimes called the Oil Rivers because it was once a major producer of palm oil.
 The economy of Nigeria is one of the most increasing in the world and has good growth potential. After they found oil  in the Guinea Gulf in the 60s the Nigerian economy  turned from agriculture to industrial. The country has huge oil and gas reserves and has  made Nigeria into one of the most developed countries in Africa. However there are still big social differences and most Nigerians live at less than 1 US dollar a day.
The country has a positive trade balance, which means that they export (sell) for more money than they buy and is importing to the country. They have automobile factories , oil refineries and petrochemical industries and they produce cacao. With the industrial revolution Nollywood was born, the Hollywood of Nigeria  starting a film industry in the country.
The official language is English, but  they have many regional languages.  About 510 languages are still being spoken. Not many people leave the country, those that do, go to England or the United States mainly.
One present problem in the country is the religion. About half of the population are muslims and they live mainly in the north. 48 percent are Christians and 2% arebelieving in other religions. Of the Christians 28th percent are Catholics. The Boko Haram, a muslim sect or movement, mainly operating in the north of the country, is known to try to start a religious war against the Christians, and they are killing a lot of Christians. More than 5000 civilians have been killed by this movement the last 5 years.
But the country also had problems before, all since the time of slavery in year 1400, they have had ethnic problems. There were problems between tribes, many liked the muslim influence due to the religious devotion and they thought it had supernatural healing power. This religion came in via Sahara from Arabia. The Christianity was brought in by Portuguese traders.

As to travel, my only experience in Africa is from Zambia and South Africa and it was quite easy and safe to travel there, but I have heard that Nigeria is different and you must be much more careful.

The Niger River Delta

Oil riggs drilling for oil in the Gulf of Guinea, Nigeria

Women protesting against BOKO HARAM that has kidnapped many female children in Nigeria.

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