domingo, 1 de marzo de 2015

MEXICO-by Emilia Ruiz-Manjón


Today I want to talk about the time I went with my family to Mexico. We went there at the beginning of June 2012. 
We went to the capital, Mexico DF. We were staying at a hotel in the centre of the city. I remember that a thing that really shocked me was that there were many soldiers on the streets carrying weapons and that there was also a lot of poverty on the streets.

The first monument we went to see was the Zócalo situated by the cathedral of Mexico city, the National Palace and by a huge flag.
In that area there are lots of churches.     

The next day we went to the church of Guadalupe where we saw the famous cape. I'm going to explain this miracle because I find it very interesting. Really long time ago there was a native American called Juan Diego, he one day received the visit of the Virgin of Guadalupe, she told him to go see the bishop and tell him that he had seen the Virgin. The bishop wouldn't believe him so he showed him the roses the virgin Guadalupe had told the indian to get even though it wasn't the period for roses. When he was getting the roses from the cape the Virgin showed up with. That cape is the one in the church of Guadalupe. There have been many tests to prove the miracle but I'm just going to tell some of them, one explains that when we put a light near the eyes of the virgin in the picture the pupils get smaller and when we move away the light the pupils expand just like a human eye. Another proof that shows that this is a miracle is that the colors that make the picture aren't really on the textile in fact they are floating in the air.     

Other day we went to see Xochimilco where I had so much fun because the main attraction is to go on little boats along the river while you see the landscape, you can also buy food and many things because there are people going around in other boats selling things, and the funniest thing is that you can "pay" the Mariachis for a little time to sing you some songs. I remember I did that and we told them to sing the famous song: Cielito lindo.   

I also saw the pyramids of Teotihuacan that were really impressive. I got to the top of the tallest one, the pyramid of the sun. I ended up being very tired.

Then, after some amazing days in Mexico we went back to the USA.

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