miércoles, 18 de marzo de 2015

NIGERIA-by Diego Morcillo


Nigeria is the most populated country of Africa, is a country located in western Africa in the area of Gulf of Guinea, its Government is formed as a Federal Presidential Republic.
The capital is Abuja and the most populated city is Lagos with 7.937.932 of people.
The official language is English but they have many different languages, they speak almost 300 African languages.
50% of the population are Muslim, 35% are Christian and the rest are atheists.
Their currency is the “Naira”.
Nigeria has warm weather, with a lot of humidity. In the coast it rains a lot but if you are inroads, in the center of the country the rains decreases.

Cinema: with the boom of the fusel oil Nollywood, the cinema industry of Nigeria,  was born. It is the second largest of the world behind Hollywood. One of the most famous films of Nigeria is “Thunderbolt”(2001) 

Music: Nigerian music includes many types of African traditional and popular music. Each ethnic group has its own techniques, instruments and songs. Nigeria is the “heart” of the African music. Later the Nigerian musicians have had a great influence of “hip-hop”. One example of Nigerian song is “Tajabone (Ismael Lo)”  

Gastronomy: the gastronomy of Nigeria became known because there is a great variety and wealth. The most consumed products are the Palm oil, the maní oil, peppers and chiles. It's normal that a group of people get together and make a barbecue or prepare a frying. “Jollof rice” is a typical Nigerian plate

The most popular sport in Nigeria is football, Nigeria is the fourth best country of Africa in this sport. It's in the 35th place of the best nations in the FIFA list.
Besides football, Nigerians practise other sports like basketball, criquet, athletism…

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