lunes, 2 de febrero de 2015

REIGN-by Natalia Borrueco

Hi there! Luckily, it’s my turn for the monthly blog but this time I’m not going to talk about music because I had talked a lot about that before. So, today’s topic is one of my favourite series so far: Reign. It is a TV series created by Laurie McCarthy. It was made in the USA, and it started in 2013 and is going on till now with only two seasons. In addition, each episode is over 40 minutes.

The mentioned series takes place in France during 1557 and is focused on the lives of Prince Francis and Mary, Queen of ScotsReign is based on real events. However, not everything that happens in Reign took place; there are many fictional details included by the screenwriters to liven up the situation of a character or to create a mystery that can hook the spectator.

Back then, kings and queens organized the engagement of their sons and daughters to establish an alliance between two reigns for the peace of both of their territories; Mary and Francis suffered the same fate so that’s why Scotland and France were destined to be under the same kingdom.


Mary interpreted by the beautiful Australian Adelaide Kane

She is the Queen of Scotland, by the reason of her father’s death, even though she’s a teenager without brothers or sisters. Mary used to live in a Scottish convent with other nuns to protect her life because England, a country that wants her crown, attemped to kill her. So when her localization is discovered she leaves the convent and travels to France.
In spite of the fact that she is very young, she will mature very quickly and will learn how to be a good queen for her country, with her four ladies and also best friends at her side; Lola, Greer, Kenna and Aylee.
Lady Lola (Anna Popplewell), Lady Aylee (Jenessa Grant), Lady Kenna(Caitlin Stasey), Lady Greer (Celina Sinden) and the Queen of Scots.

Francis II interpreted by the awesome British Toby Regbo

Francis is not king yet but he is learning how to be a good one before the he gets that great responsibility. He lives in his Castle in France with his parents, Henry and Catherine, his younger brother and now with his fiancé too. Francis as opposed to Mary, is not ready to love someone who has just met so quickly. In consequence of that, he is a little bit closed to his future wife and doesn’t want to marry her after seeing her for the first time.
As time passes Francis will show his real personality and we will see his true colours.

Sebastian de Poitiers interpreted by the talented Canadian Torrance Coombs

Bash, is the bastard of the family who lives in the Castle in France. His mother was the old official mistress of the king of France and when she got pregnant with Sebastian, Henry let him stay in the Castle as one more of the family but not as an heir of France, obviously. He is his father’s favourite and knows perfectly how to handle a sword. He is a bit reserved and also crafty, something his half-brother Francis envies.

Henry II, King of France interpreted by the Canadian Alan Van Sprang

Henry is the King of France and is married to Catherine de’ Medici. They have one son in common, Francis, and a daughter named Claude. On the other hand, he has a bastard son called Bash who he truly loves and considers his favourite son.
He is a good father but not a good husband though, even he has an official mistress; he is really ambitious and selfish but he gives his life for France, his country.

Catherine de’ Medici, Queen of France interpreted by the Canadian Megan Follows

Catherine is Henry, the King of France's, wife. She devotes her life to her children but doesn't love her husband anymore because of his unfaithfulness as a bad married man. Like her husband, she is really ambitious and knows all about potions and poisons. In fact, she makes a lot of them if she wants to get rid of someone she doesn’t want to see. Plus, she doesn’t like her stepson and hates his mother so bad. In addition, she has a very close friend called Nostradamus, who is half wizard because he receives visions and knows a lot about elixirs.

Nostradamus, loyal friend of the Queen of France interpreted by the Canadian Rossif Sutherland

I would recommend everyone to watch this series because it has a lot of romance, bloodshed, mystery, drama and also is educational because actually, it’s a series about an historical moment in Europe. Considering all I have said, this seems to be the perfect TV series to watch when you are bored or with friends.
However, the thing I love the most is the British accent everyone has and the precious costumes they wear. If you watch just one season, I’m convinced you will fall in love with those specific details as much as I did.


WARNING: Once you watch the first season, you won’t stop.

Natalia Borrueco

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