martes, 24 de febrero de 2015


I can´t live without…
One of the essential things for me are the weekends.
These are the moments that I really enjoy with my friends or my family or even alone at home taking time to do what I want.
Weekends are always full of unique moments where I really enjoy life and charge my batteries for the hateful Monday.
I love to use the weekend to do different things…One day to go out with my friends, go shopping, see family and spend Sundays at home studying and resting by watching a movie.
As the week goes by my mood is improving and from Wednesday on I am happier because it´s getting nearer the weekend.

So it would be great to have weekends that are four days long.

 My connection with this song when I first heard it, it reminded me of the time I had spent in my summer camp.
There are parts of the song that I remember about leaving my Friends because the camp season has finished.
The reason is because:

-in the song it says ``leaving friends and the place that I call home´´, because I didn´t want to leave my Friends and my camp for my is like my second home
-it reminds me of the camp, especially in the evenings when we all sat round the campfire under the moon singing
-also it reminded me when it says ``conversations that we have until midnight´´ be cause I remember all the conversations or all the things that we did until midnight
-and the last reason is because I have to wait all Winter until camp begins again and I can see all of my Friends.

One more year, and I'll be heading out on my own, 

Leaving friends and the place that I call home. 
I don't wanna go. 
I just need to know that I can come back. 
I need to know, 
I only need to know that you'll be here when I come back home.
Cuz I don't wanna miss a single autumn evening here with you like this. 
I don't wanna miss all those nights we danced by the moonlight,
Conversations about nothing till midnight. 
You and I huddled close till the daylight came. 
Remember the colors reflected in your eyes, 
The scene painted golden as the sun rises over you and me darling. 
One more year, we'd better make the best of this one. 
You just can't beat the weather here in autumn. 
Please stay close to me. 
I just need to know you're gonn call me. 
I need to know that everything will all be okay while I'm away.

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