lunes, 2 de febrero de 2015


Hello! How are you? I hope fine because at school there is a virus and unfortunately I have it.
I am here to talk you about the film "The Theory of All", the movie that we watched last thursday about the life of Stephen Hawking. In my opinion it is a very good movie, because the actors have done a great job, especially Eddie Redmyne, who has done an incredible work performing Stephen Hawking.
Also the actress Felicity Jones who is acting as Jane Hawking, the wife of Stephen Hawking. Also the other actors that play the role of the friends of Hawking and his teachers did a great job. The life of Stephen Hawking is hard but at the same time is very nice. The actress Emily Watson also does a great job playing the role  of Isabel Hawking, but in the movie they don't say anything about the mistreatments of Isabel Hawking towards Stephen Hawking. Although the movie is very very good. I would like to recommend it to the people that didn't watch it.
Finally, I wanted to tell you that this friday 30th of January the movie Project Almanac is going to be released. It's about a group of friends who discover a time machine, but when they meet with themselves in the past,their future changes in a very bar way. Here is the link to the trailer:

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