lunes, 30 de marzo de 2015

PASTA-by Pablo Seco

I am going to explain you the recipe on how to do rustic spaghetti:
The ingredients that you need to cook this food are:
-Pasta, you can use a lot of types of pasta, for example pasta with cheese, meat, or another types of food inside, pasta that is long, short and thin.
For 8 people you need 1 kg
For 4 people you need 500g
For 2 people you need 250g
­-You need bacon, 100g.
-You need three tomatoes, with the tomatoes you have cut them and put in a bowl.
-You need red pepper and green pepper, you need a forth of a red pepper and a forth of a green pepper.
-You need cream, 100g.
Now I am going to explain you how to cook these ingredients to make fantastic rustic spaghetti:
-First you have to do is put two liters of water in a pot, and put at 100 *degrees, 10 minutes.
-Second you have to take the bacon cut it and put in a bowl, next cut the green pepper and the red pepper.
Next take a pan and put a little bit of oil, and put the mix that is the bowl (pepper and bacon) and when the bacon is cooked put the cream and leave 10 minutes at 40 degrees.
-With the tomatoes you have to cut them and put it with the bacon and pepper in the pan.
Next when the water is white you add the pasta, and leave it for 10 minutes.

When the pasta is already, you mix with the sauce and  start to eat a fantastic food.


Should there be one international language?
There are points for and against this statement .
To begin with if peolple used only one language , comunication would be cheaper.There would be no need for translators because everyone would know a language.On the other hand,perhaps people would stop to use their languages and this is a shame,because all the languages of the world are like a beautiful treasure.
Another point is that there would be less misunderstandings. If everyone spoke the same language, we would all get along well.However, I do not think this is true. Probably many people would not speak the language very well,and they would not always understand everything either. In addiction to this, the people who are native speakers would have a unfair advantage.
As far as  I am concerned one international language is not a good thing , because we do not want to loose our languages .

ANNA FRANK-by Emilia Ruiz-Manjón

Anna Frank

A few months ago I read an amazing book called The diary of Anna Frank and now I want to tell you a little bit about the story and my personal opinion.

This book is based on a real diary and it talks about a jewish girl who, during the World War II , had to go to a house in Amsterdam along with her family to hide from the nazis so they wouldn't get them.  

It all starts when the Frank family moves to The Netherlands, at that moment they were having (more or less) a normal life but then Germany invaded Poland and that's when the World War II kicked off. At first Anna and her family had some hope that The Netherlands wouldn't be invaded, but on the 10th May of 1940 German troops invaded the country and two years after that, they went to hide in a house behind the working place of the father, Otho, after receiving a call from a German concentration camp.

Otho, Anna, Margot (sister) and Edith (mother) had to live with another family, the Van Pels and a dentist called Fritz Pfeffer.

They lived there for about two years with the support of some of the father's workmates who helped the eight people to get food, clothes and books. Those two years had so many issues that most people would hardly believe that they were going to be able to overcome that situation.          

Anna would always write in her diary everything that happened in the house, it was a way of expressing herself because she couldn't count on telling everything to her mother or sister because she wasn't getting along with them very well in the house. Her diary was a great support for her and there she'd write short stories and collect her favorite sentences from other writers. At the beginning of the war, Anna had been writing in a diary that her parents had given her for her birthday , but then the Minister of Education made a request for people to keep their war diaries so that's the reason why Anna decides to rewrite her diary into a new diary and add and delete some things. Her diary was written as a compilation of letters addressed to someone called Kitty. She started to edit it but she wasn't able to finish it because she, her family, the Van Pels and Fritz Pfeffer were arrested on the 4th of August in 1944. The only one who survived from the house was Otho Frank, Anna's father. Miep, one of the people who helped them, saved the diary after they got arrested. When Otho came back she gave it to him and then Otho published the diary so Anna could make her dream come true, becoming a writer and being remembered even after her death.        

In my opinion I find this a great story. My dad gave it to me last summer so I could read it because he thought it'd be a really good thing for me to find out about the moving story of Anna Frank. It is a book that really touched me, I find it really encouraging because it makes you think about all the problems and the horrible things that many people had to go through compared to oneself and how you should be very thankful for what you have just like Anna, who would always see the positive side of things, even when everything seemed to fall apart.

TOURISM IN MARID-by Mariano Ibañez


In this blog I want to show you some really good places to visit in Madrid. This are not really famous places, you only know them if you live in this city, but they are great.

1st: La casa de las siete chimeneas.
It is plazed in Plaza del Rey , corner with Calle de las Infantas.
This house is so famous beause of its history:
The story says that the house was built for a young woman called Elena, who had relations with the king Felipe II. Elena married a captain who was sent to the Flandes’ war, where he died. Time after Elena also died for unknown causes and her body disappeared. The legend says that the spirit walks on the roof of the house dressed in a white tunic and holding a candle  each night. So if you walk near the house at night, be careful and look at the roof, because maybe you could see her.

2nd: National library of Madrid:
The biggest library of Spain is situated in Recoletos , near Plaza Colon. It was made in the year 1712 by Felipe V.
Curiosities: You can not enter with books, only the ones you let there. It now has about 23000 books to let. In front of this library , you have some famous places, such as the Archeological museum.

3rd: Restaurant Ojalá
This restaurant is situated in the area of Malasaña (near Gran Via, Sol…), the middle of the city. This are is famous for the modern ambient and hipster people. But if you want to escape for the city ambient, here you have a beach environment here in Ojalá. This is a really interesting and original restaurant, because its floor is made of sand , and the cosy sofas wich are in the floor. I really recomend this place to you because it's different and nice. It is like an oasis in the city.

Hope you enjoyed this, a hug. Mariano Ibañez

EASTER WEEKEND-by Mercedes Matía

During the Easter weekend im going to travel with my family and our friends from Granada to Zamora and Salamanca. First we are going to Zamora, Puebla de Sanabria  and we are going to stay in a hotel for three days . In Puebla de Sanabria we are going to visit the Sanabria lake that is the biggest lake with origin glacier of the Península Íberica. then we are going to Salmanca to visit the capital , the Alberca and the Frances rock . The Alberca of Salmanca is a little village which is really colourful and beautiful. The Frances rock is a mountain located in  the south of Salmanca where you can find a sanctuary of Nuestra Señora de la Peña de Francia.
I am also going to visit Cuenca another time with my parents, cousins and Emily where we will go and see the suspension houses, enchanted city and the beginning of the Cuervo river. In the suspension houses there is a museum of abstract art. The encanted city is a open air place in the contryside where there are rocks with different shapes. It is funny and imaginative.

Here are some photos of the lake, the puebla the sanabria,  the encanted city and the suspensed houses. 


SPRING TRENDS-by Carmen Peña

Good morning everyone! How are you doing this morning? As everybody can see the weather is becoming better because the spring is coming, so today I have decided to talk about the latest trends for this season.

We can admit that fringes are the real must-have for these next months, some people think that fringes are for winter but, who cares? We definetely love them.

Another trend that persists from last summer is platforms. They are so cool and you can see them in all kind of shoes, and if you are not very tall... This is your must!

Talking about colours... We have to say that fluor colours are going to be the star this spring, but the one that is going to be everywhere you look at, will be the orange colour. Do you have anything orange? If not, what are you waiting for?

miércoles, 25 de marzo de 2015



I´m going to talk about my own experience in the Canary Islands , because in these last years I have been to Lanzarote, Tenerife and Fuerteventura.

First of all I went to Lanzarote, It was because I have a really close friend there (that I know since I was a baby) and our mothers are really good friends, so my mother and I decided to go to visit them to Lanzarote, due to them living there the whole year.
I did a lot of things in this beautiful island; I rode a camel, I visited a lot of volcanos, I made many excursions, I enjoyed all the time at the beach...
There were a lot of interesting things , for example, we ate at a restaurant that cooked with heat from the inside of the Earth, we went to several beaches with red sand, and we saw  pressurized water exit from the inside of the Earth too.
It´s a really interesting and nice place to visit and I want to return in a near future!

About Tenerife, I  visited it two years ago, with my mother, my aunt, and my cousin. It was because every year we do a trip together, and that year we went there.
It is not as big as Lanzarote but it´s a really nice island too, I can´t talk too much about it, because I only went for four days but , even so , I really enjoyed it. This island is really famous because the highest mountain of Spain is situated there, it is call El Teide, and it´s about 3.700  metres high.
I visited it one of the days and it is really awesome and oriented to tourists. I spent the other part of the time in Tenerife just relaxing and having fun with my family, especially with my cousin.

And finally I´m going to explain you my travel to Fuenteventura, It is my favorite ,compared to the others and I really, really enjoyed it.
 I went just with my mother ,to a huge hotel situated in front of the beach, I was very happy when I arrived and I was very excited to see the whole place.
I spent five or six days there and I will always have really nice memories about this travel. In this island there are only a few things to visit and see as a tourist , the most important is a place called Corralejo with dunes like in the desert.
I relaxed, I spent time at the swimming pool, in the beach, I went  shopping with my mum, I ate a lot , and I took time with my mother.
This place is like a paradise and I really want to  return, maybe when I get older, I can return with  my friends!
I recommend you to visit the Canary Islands and enjoying them!
 María Ramírez


“Nigeria and Nollywood”

As we all know, Africa is a big and heterogeneous continent formed by a lot of different countries. At the same time, all these countries are heterogeneous too, so in the same country half of the people are rich and the other half is extremely poor.

This is the case of Nigeria, which is known as a poor country. However, in Nigeria, apart from the poor people (the huge majority), there are wealthy people becoming richer and richer thanks to Nigerian businesses like oil production or film making, known as Nollywood.

Everybody knows Hollywood, one of the oldest film industries and possibly the most famous in the world; and Bollywood, the famous Indian film industry; and everybody knows Nollywood too... or not?

Nollywood is the Nigerian film industry, and despite what most people may think, it is one of the largest film industries in the world, referring to the number of annual film productions.

The name of Nollywood comes from the 90s due to the mix between the “N” of Nigeria and Hollywood, (something similar to Bollywood: Bombay+Hollywood) and it is established in Lagos, ex-capital and currently the most important city in the country. This film industry has produced a lot of films since its start around 1992, and some years ago Unesco declared Nollywood to be the second country in quantity of films produced, following Bollywood and followed by Hollywood.
The reason why Nollywood’s production list is that large is because they invest over 12.000€ and between 7 to 10 days in producing a film, so they are able to produce more than 850 films a year; instead of Hollywood that produces less than 500 films but investing millions of euros and a lot of time.

But, Why isn’t Nollywood well known? It may be because 99% of its films are just watched at home theatres or clubs and less than a 1% end up in cinemas. In addition, most of Nigerian’s films are made in local languages, and just a few of them are translated or subtitled to English.
And, Which topics are Nollywood films about? These films present plenty of varied topics but most of them are trying to express their way of life and, curiously, a lot of them are Christian-themed motivated by churches trying to encourage and evangelize instead of entertaining.

Some famous Nollywood films are: Living in Bondage (one of the first films made by this industry), Osuofia in London (best selling film of the country) or Inale (their first big musical production).

Maybe the difference between Hollywood and Nollywood’s productions is the quality or the post-production process, but it’s undeniable that Nollywood’s producers try to do their best and that "Africans like more Nollywood than Hollywood" as the famous Nigerian producer Zeb Ejiro said.