lunes, 25 de mayo de 2015

COSTA RICA-by Bosco Juliussen

During the Christmas holiday in 2013 I went to visit Costa Rica with my family. This is the best time of the year to visit the country as it is the dry season. Costa Rica is located in Central America and borders Nicaragua in the north and Panama in the southeast. It has the Atlantic Ocean one side and the Pacific Ocean on the other.
After a stopover at Miami airport we arrived to the city of Liberia in the north of the country. We were picked up by a hotel car that brought us to the hotel on a beach called Conchal on the Pacific Coast. It took about 45 minutes to get there.
The third day we explored the hotel and the beach area. The beach was wonderful and the water quite warm. The hotel had many villas that were divided into 8 rooms. I shared room with my brother Marcos.
The next morning I went to the beach to know the area where we were going to stay for one week. The sand was white and nice and some parts had shells, from this the beach has its name Playa Conchal.
Costa Rica has a beautiful nature and the second day we had signed up for a trip to the rainforest to do zipiling over the trees and deep valleys. Our zipline was 7.5km long, but divided into severals stations. One part was quite scary, ziplining over a valley several hundred meters down. Anyway it was not too bad, in fact I enjoyed it a lot. Althogh we had tropical rain this day, not so hard, but while zipiling the rain hits you in the face and I got wet in one minute. Most of the time of the rest of the week I spent on the beach snorkling and swimming. But one afternoon we visited a neighbouring beach called Tamarindo, famous for its beauty and Tamarindo trees. The next day we almost got lost in the forest cycling. The path was not so well marked, but no problem, we found our way back.
The most typical animals that we saw were monkeys, iguanas and coatis. The coatis came every morning to take part in our breakfast. It was a lot of fun, but there were so many of them so sometimes we had to have the brakefast inside.
On the last day we hired some quads and went beach hopping, visiting nearby beaches. We found some great beaches with great nature. We had a swim there before going back. We had a good time on New Years Eve before returning to Spain. It was quite a long drive by car to the capital, San Jose, were we took a direct flight to Madrid.
Costa Rica is a great place to visit. I recommend everyone to go and see and explore the nature of this beautiful country.

Playa Conchal Costa Rica



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