lunes, 25 de mayo de 2015



How many times have our parents and teachers told us about the importance that knowing languages will have in our future? They always say it will help us in a lot of aspects such as finding a job or getting chosen by a university.
Since we were little we have had to go to English lessons or to French lessons or even German or Chinese. We didn’t want to go but we had to because, as they say, “some day you will thank me for this”.
Now as we are getting older we are starting to realize how important it's to know other languages not only thinking about your professional life but also thinking about your social and personal life.
Nowadays people love to travel and to visit and meet new people and without knowing more than one language it's kind of impossible.
Also if you are in an interview and you are trying to get a job and you speak for example English and French you will have more possibilities to be hired than someone who only knows one of them.
Languages also say a lot about your personality because a person that spends time trying to learn new things and another culture, represents a brave person, a hard worker and a mature person who tries to improve day by day.
I wanted to make this blog because it’s a topic which is spoken about a lot and I thought it would be really interesting to see the change of mind which students have as they grow up.

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