miércoles, 27 de mayo de 2015

MY SCHOOL -by Amelia Duarte

My school is sufficiently disciplined,  the education is very appropriate and teachers are very attentive towards the studentsBesides, in High School, teachers prepare us greatly for university, even if people say the opposite.
The building is so big and very beautiful because it has a really nice decoration; inside it has two chapels where we celebrate religious ceremonies with our families and every week the students celebrate mass.
But I wish that the school had more after activities like cooking courses, swimming, etc... I wish that we could do more projects and activities in the most boring subjects like History, Spanish, etc.
I think also it would be better if we could dress the way we wanted instead of using uniforms. disagree with using uniforms because it's uncomfortable and warm.
However, agree with using uniforms because this way we don’t have to prepare our clothes early in the morning. You don’t have to worry about what people are going to think about your own style. 

Amelia Duarte

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