martes, 19 de mayo de 2015

SUMMARY OF THIS SCHOOL YEAR-by Cristina Brandiarán

I started this school year thinking that it would be a very difficult year, because, loads of people say that this year is the most difficult one in “ESO” but for me the most difficult school year was first of “ESO”.  When I started this year I thought the classes would be similar to the ones in second of “ESO”, but the classes have changed a lot. Just two of my friends of second of “ESO” are in my new class. But with that change I have met a lot of good people that now are my friends. Also I study more than other years. We have two more subjects so it means that there are more things to study but if you study everyday you´ll have good results. Finally this year I have made more friends but also I lost contact with some of my classmates of last year.
Since I went to England last summer I have spoken with some people of other countries for example: Italian girls, german girls, French girls...
It´s being a great year.  It´s a pity that I´ve lost contact with some old friends but there are good things as well, as I´ve meet some people I didn´t use to be friends with.

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