martes, 12 de mayo de 2015


Marriage and family in Nigeria

In the families of Nigeria, the father is the leader of the family, the one who has the power.
In Nigeria there are lots of big families with four or more kids . This is because the population loves
kids .The reproduction is so important that in Nigeria, this is considered as the main purpose of the mariage.
By the way , in a Nigerian family, the mother has to work in the house , taking care of the kids meanwhile the father works outside, usually, as a farmer.
Marriage is one of the most important social traditions, if you are married, you gain respect and a more important social position. Because of that, lots of unmarried people are pressure for being married.
If you want to divorce, the process is very easy:
the man has property and the children. If the couple has a baby, the baby usually stays with the mother until the baby is three or four years old. Then, it's for the father.
Divorce is not very usual in Nigeria.

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