miércoles, 27 de mayo de 2015

TOLEDO TRIP BY Mercedes Sagastizabal

Some days ago, all of 1º 2º and 3º of ESO went to Toledo for one whole day. We had so much fun and we really enjoyed it. I hope I will visit this town again because I found it really beautiful and monumental. We met at 8:15am as usual, but we departed at 9am, it wasn´t a large journey as we just traveled for 1 hour or so. When we arrived there, a tour guide got on the bus and started telling us some facts and history about this place. I think he explained everything really clear and I still remember most of the stuff he said. Then we walked around Toledo with the same man. After that, we went to El Enterramiento del Conde de Orgaz, and personally this was the best part of the journey. At last we had some free time so we had lunch, we went window shopping and we took some photos because, I insist that, that place was spectacular.
The only thing I didn´t like about this trip was that it was boiling in Toledo and I was wearing long trousers.
I recommend Toledo to everyone who is planning a familiar trip or a journey out with his friends.

Mercedes S.

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