viernes, 29 de mayo de 2015

MY SCHOOL YEAR- by María Pujol

My school year

I’m going to talk about this school year. This year has passed by really quickly. Friends older than me had told me that third of ESO is the hardest one in ESO and the truth is that they weren’t wrong, because there are more subjects like Physics and Chemistry or Art, and I had to study a lot more than the first two years of ESO. There is a big difference between the Maths I learned last year and the Maths I have learned this year. However, the contents we have learned this course have been more interesting than the contents from last year.
Biology is my favourite subject because we have studied everything about the human body which is something that I have always found really interesting. In this subject we have had the chance to go to the lab, that is something I have enjoyed a lot too. In the lab, we have worked with some organs of the human body!
This year people have been changed from their classes last year so I have gotten to known some new people much better. Still, I have some friends from last year. In general I’ve had a good year with all my classmates.

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