miércoles, 19 de noviembre de 2014

FORGIVENESS-by Carmen Lías


Usually, when people damage us, we believe that we are never going to forgive them, since we think that they will do it again. We close our hearts to them, though we don’t see all the good that they have done for us. All the good things done are gone, it is just dust in the wind. Mistakes remain as a stone in our souls. Sometimes we lose people who were worth a kingdom just because we didn’t want to even hear an excuse. No second chances are out of order. We fear the pain, the possibility of being betrayed again.
It is true that there are things that are very difficult to excuse. And it is also true that our decision to value if the things that this person has done well compensate the mistakes. You can’t pretend that nothing has happened. Trust is a gift build on facts and the other person has to prove that it was just a mistake an worth the gift of your trust.
Forgiveness it’s a gift that comes from a previous excuse. If your heart says that the excuse comes from another person’s soul, second chance is a must. Don't let the pain put a shadow on your heart. Don’t push away from your live someone that can be worth a kingdom because he/she did a mistake he/she is sorry for.

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