sábado, 15 de noviembre de 2014

Things that you can visit in India

The first place to visit is the capital, New Dehli. If you want to stay at a good hotel, I can recommend the Imperial hotel, which has seven stars. The most important thing to see is the tomb of Gandhi. When I was there a lot of girls were protesting.

Agra is the second important place to visit because you have there  the Taj Mahal. The hotel where I stayed had views of the Taj Mahal, but we could not see so much because there was a lot of fog. I really loved it because it is one of the seven wonders.

Jaipur is the place where you can go for shopping, because it is the city of jewelry. The palace that you can visit is the Ambar Palace that is on the top of a mountain, where you need to go on an elephant to get there. The thing that I really liked was the hotel, The Rambaj Palace that was from the Majaraja, which means king. We were recieved at the gate and they took us to the hotel entrance by an an old convertible car from the 1940´s.


The last place that I visited was the Rantambore park where we saw tigers, elephants, deer, and monkeys. We were really lucky because we saw tigers. Later, we had a shower sitting on top of an elephant, the elephant showered us. That was really funny.


I really loved this trip and I recommend that you visit India.

Bosco Juliussen

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