jueves, 20 de noviembre de 2014


The jellyfish (avispa marina)  is a particular animal that is considered the most dangerous in the world. This type of jellyfish has 60 or 70 tentacles and each tentacle has millions of stinging cells called (cnidocitos).The tentacles can measure up to two meters.This animal can live one year in liberty.When the tentacles come in contact with a person, it's very painful, it burns and can produce heart problems, heart stoppings and remain in total shock.The "avispa de mar" lives in Australia. Sea wasps become more deadly with age. The young ones, who hunt shrimp, have venom in only 5% of their stinging cells, whereas adults have it at 50%, which allows them to hunt larger prey .If you see any jellyfish in the sand don't touch within 20 minutes, 48 hours have to pass for the jellyfish to die; anyway don't kill it. Think that it's an animal like you  and it doesn't have eyes so they think that you're a fish. If you are stung by a jellyfish quickly leave the water and scrap your skin with a card and put vinegar on it, if the pain is severe call a doctor .If you usually bathe by the Mediterranean jellyfish don't sting and there is usually an example called fried egg jellyfish.

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