martes, 18 de noviembre de 2014


For normal teenagers when we are about 15, 16 and 17 years old everything of us is based on “El postureo” a ridiculous word that can change millions of lives.
 From my point of view this word really irritates me because it only consists iof everyone dressing the same way,  thinking the same way and even talking the same way  and of course, if you don´t do it you are an enormous geek and prepare yourself because everyone is going to stare at you as if you were an alien, they are going to punish you telling how ugly you are or how badly dressed you are and talk and even how fat you are, they don’t care if they know you or they don’t  see the point . It is just being more popular and if you have to do bullying you do it. It doesn’t matter.
This word goes lots farther away than just that, a word. For lots and lots of teenagers can be a change for the worst, because in this little world if you actually don’t look as skinny as a rake you are obese and if you don’t look as pretty as a model you´re disgusting and for many teenagers this can cause a psychological problem that can even end in a self-destruction.
In conclusion, I think this word really should be erased out of everybody´s mind and society really has to change its point of view because you can be amazing being as fat as butter and beautiful as a blazing sunset.


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