viernes, 29 de mayo de 2015

MY SCHOOL YEAR- by María Pujol

My school year

I’m going to talk about this school year. This year has passed by really quickly. Friends older than me had told me that third of ESO is the hardest one in ESO and the truth is that they weren’t wrong, because there are more subjects like Physics and Chemistry or Art, and I had to study a lot more than the first two years of ESO. There is a big difference between the Maths I learned last year and the Maths I have learned this year. However, the contents we have learned this course have been more interesting than the contents from last year.
Biology is my favourite subject because we have studied everything about the human body which is something that I have always found really interesting. In this subject we have had the chance to go to the lab, that is something I have enjoyed a lot too. In the lab, we have worked with some organs of the human body!
This year people have been changed from their classes last year so I have gotten to known some new people much better. Still, I have some friends from last year. In general I’ve had a good year with all my classmates.

FINAL EXAMS-by Mercedes Peña

Finals exams

All that I want is summer to come but I have to spend a long study week, during which I hope that everything will be alright . This weekend I have a party but I can't be there because I have to study everyaay since now until June 18th because I have to pass the recovery exams , so I'm very sad .
I'm overwhelmed because I have to complete all my grades and my notebooks . What scares me the most are the longs nights  I'm going to stay awake .  
Below I leave my exams calendar  :


This is the last blog that I'm going to write before summer holidays.
 I hope that everything will be okay and you'll enjoy the  summer .

jueves, 28 de mayo de 2015

EL CAMINO DE SANTIAGO-by Carmen Troncoso

The Camino de Santiago is a route to Santiago de Compostela. Pilgrims come from different parts of the world. This route has eight routes, but the most important is the one that begins in Navarra. The longest walk starts in Norway and reaches Santiago. More than 6000 kilometers and to cross it  six million steps must be given. To walk this walk we must take the necessary equipment like a backpack, suncream and some sneakers. To sleep in a hostel, you need the credit as pilgrim, you can get it in a church. You have to walk because you can not use the car. I recommend it to everyone because it is a very nice and very fun experience.
The Camino de Santiago

Carmen Troncoso

SUMMER-by Lucía Sanz

My dad loves the pool, relaxing things... but my mum on the contrary loves the beach, she loves visiting new places and new things. They were really different, my mum and my dad, they have never had the same concept of things. We used to go to Canarias all together in the summer, but "now" my mum and my dad have different lives and a different way, so my summers are really differents since 2011. Now we go first with dad and his family in June and July, and then in August and September with my mum and her family. I think last year was the best summer in our lives, we went to Portugal, Marbella, Gandía... I love summer and it is my favourite season.

MY FUTURE-by María Rico


My name is Maria, and I am 16 years old. I was born in Madrid and I think I will be living here the rest of my life. I am a person with lots of projects for my future.
I think for me, choosing the career that I will do, will be one of the hardest decisions of my life. I am very concerned about the consequences of the choice I will make and it scares me to regret it. I am a person who thinks everything twice and I can hardly decide very fast. I think sometimes we should think a little more about this but it is very difficult for me.
I am a very organized person and I consider myself also a responsible person.
I am in a very difficult situation because maybe for two days want to study something but suddenly I begin to doubt.
I hope to find the right career that allows me to have a job that I like in the future and will allow me to have a good life.
I am very confused, so last Sunday I decided to do an Internet quiz about what the career could be that I am going to study and these were the results:

The category where I had the highest percentage were Health Science , with careers such as biology, anatomy, chemistry and others.
The truth is that I have always liked the subject of biology and also I used to get good grades but I don’t know if I could have a future dedicated to something related to Health Sciences.
I'm honestly quite surprised because I did not think that something related to biology could get out as an option. The truth is that I'm quite confused because lately I have decided to go for a career such as economy or business while it is true that I have never disliked biology. The problem is this: I like biology and I'm good at it, but I am not really attracted by the future that this involves and on the other hand, I like slightly less economy but for the future I think it's best for me.